Mer Rumi.

På facebooksidan med rumicitat kom ikväll:

”You’ve seen my descent.
Now watch my rising!”

Det visar sig komma från den här dikten. Jag förstår inte riktigt hur ord kan tas ur sitt sammanhang, men det går helt visst med Rumi. Hans ord ger mening på flera plan, utefter hur den som läser orden vill förstå något och känna en mening med det hela.

When I Die

When I die,
when my coffin is being taken out
you must never think
I am missing this world.

Don’t shed any tears.
Don’t lament or feel sorry.
I’m not falling into a monster’s abyss.

When you see my corpse is being carried,
don’t cry for my leaving.
I’m not leaving.
I’m arriving at eternal Love.

When you leave me in the grave don’t say goodbye.
Remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind.

You’ll only see me descending into a grave.
Now watch me rise.
How can there be an end.

When the sun sets
or the moon goes down it looks like the end.
It seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up,
that is when your soul is freed.

Have you ever seen a seed fallen to earth, not rise with a new life ?
Why should you doubt the rise of a seed named human.

Have you ever seen a bucket lowered into a well coming back empty ?
Why lament for a soul when it can come back like Joseph from the well.

When for the last time
you close your mouth,
your words and soul will belong
to the world of no place, no time.


2 svar på ”Mer Rumi.

  1. Hej John.
    Nej jag känner inte till den sången. Jag blir inte berörd av den, sorry. Men kanske andra blir… vi är ju tack och lov olika.

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